YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO be safe in this classroom. In this classroom, no one may cause you injury or discomfort. This includes the right to have your property left alone and undamaged.
YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO hear and be heard in this classroom. Others will be quiet as you speak and you will quietly listen as others speak.
YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO be respected. You do not have to put up with unkind remarks or name calling because of race, sex, religion, physical strength, size, features, friendship groups, age, culture, handicap, financial status, clothing, classroom performance, etc.
YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO learn in this classroom. No one has the right to disrupt you or make it difficult for you to learn., Teachers should be free to teach and students free to learn without being interrupted by inconsiderate or unruly students.
YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO learn what it means to be a responsible and successful student. Guidance and direction are meant to aid you as a student and a citizen of this school community.
- treat others with consideration, realizing that all of us are unique.
- make this classroom safe by following the safety rules and not causing injury to others or damaging/using the property of others without their permission.
- participate in the classroom activities appropriately by listening, speaking, or writing.
- respect others, adults and students, and uphold their rights.
- LEARN. You will prepare for class, be on time, pay attention, complete work, and not distract yourself or others.
- push yourself, keep trying, ask questions if you don't understand.
I posted acomment but it is not here.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't agree more.You have a point there.
ReplyDeleteGood points especially for new teachers!!